Bingham's Website
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Welcome To My Home Page

Right, this is my site of randomness! Nothing hardly gets put up new and is used for picture webspace but who knows! Just give me some ideas of stuff to put on and i may!
I've done what when
OK....the date is the 16th of December and ive started this today and ill see how much i can do before my fingers want to fall off for me to stitch back on.
16/12/01 - site started! thats it! yay!
10/1/02 - decided to add some bits! not much tho!
11/2/02 - tried doing this in school...and it works! not much to do here coz i have no written crap
1/3/02 - gettin boreder in ict so doing sommats on my site! not much tho! better coz has 2mb connection the twats! not much done!
13/8/02 - LoL! when was i on here last?!?! 5 months ago! alot has happened since...and will do too
15/11/02 - 3 months gap this time and i aint doin much! will do some ict work!
2/04/03 - lol! not been doing much here! will do something i think...maybe
27/5/04 - At uni and don't bother with this for pic storage but will give it a major overhaul
This will be my shit ass homepage!

I've had this ages and use Brinkster now because they actually allow remote-linking so it cains this! Can't moan for free though.

I usually do things on here when i'm bored/waiting to go out/not doing work/can't be arsed to do much else! Crap really i know but who cares?
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Getting Rich Quick—From My Site!
I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages. Instead of text, I can add others’ buttons to this first page, and I’ll be rewarded for people who click on the buttons. For example, if a visitor signs up for a Visa using the NextCard button on my site, I earn at least !

This pic ownz!
OK, i nicked it outta my sis' folder and it kicks ass!
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